TLF on the Quay

Lots of fun on the Quay, helping to raise funds for one of contry’s favourite charities – the RNLI. The tremendous sum of over £1700 was raised on the day, which we helped to swell with a few songs !

credit: TLF

The Riviera Ukulele Band entertained us and certainly helped to draw in the crowds !

credit: TLF

Hookhills Cherry Pie Fayre

Credit: Hookhills FB
Credit: Hookhills FB

A great Saturday afternoon in the sunshine at this terrific family event. Good food, family & friends with great music, a delight to be part of this terrific event !

John Ayres Ukulele Proms

A great day was had by all at the “Prom” on Oddicombe Beach, with a lot of great performances by groups from across the region – we are definitely looking forward to JA Proms 2020 !

Courtesy – AP

PBTRA – Coffee Morning

Really chuffed to be asked to play at Marilyn’s coffee morning again, helping to raise funds for the PBTRA – even a little rain failed to spoil the fun! Tea and cake all round and tremendous total just short of £840 raised.